Sunday, May 20, 2012

Preschool Graduate!!

Brexlyn has finally graduated!!
She has been waiting a long time for this day.
Out of all of my girls, she is probably the most shy.  It was a struggle some days getting her to school because she would not want to go.  For awhile I didn't understand why she put up a fight almost every day, because she would come out after preschool was over and tell me how awesome it was.  
One day, when she was having an especially emotional day about going to school (throwing a tantrum), I sat her down and asked her why she didn't want to go.  She finally told me that it was because she didn't talk to anyone, and so she didn't feel like she had friends.  This absolutely broke my heart!  
She ended up going, and I asked the teachers to help her step out of her comfort zone and play with more of the kids.  They did amazing!  From that time, until now, she is much more social, and I really feel like they helped to prepare her, not only academically, but socially for Kindergarten.

We LOVE Miss Jacque's Preschool!!!

Here is my grown up little girl!

 She said she wanted to be a firefighter when she grows up :)
 All graduated!

 We were so lucky to have Grandparents come and watch!

Grandma and Grandpa Heal

 Grandpa and Nana Paige

Me and Brexlyn

Her AMAZING teachers:

Miss Chris
 Miss Jacque
 Miss Carol

Now we are going to enjoy Summer and embark on a new adventure......KINDERGARTEN!


Jen said...

Yea, Brexlyn! How fun to be starting Kindergarden next year! I can't believe she is getting so big!!!

Paige said...

Brexlyn is such a little lady now! We love that you involve us in your family. Thank you. And YEA Brexlyn! Bring on KINDERGARTEN! :)