Sunday, June 5, 2011


Yesterday I went to lunch with a bunch of my gal pals that I haven't seen for a couple of months, and we just sat, relaxed, shared our stories, and enjoyed delicious food from Pei Wei. The whole afternoon was refreshing! Love those girls!

So, during our conversation we all decided to do a.....................

Did you guess it????

We are all doing a MINI TRIATHLON together!!!!! I honestly am worried about DYING while I am doing it, but I am really excited! One thing that I can check off of my bucket list :) So, I am going to have to get my rear in gear and get in shape! And I am really excited to be doing this with my friends. Wish us luck!!!


Tasha said...

When is it? Where? I wish I was as cool as you and could finish one! I have always wanted to do a triathlon.

Sarah and Desmond said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on Savanah's page. :)
What's your email and I'll add ya to our family blog?

Paige said...

Oh wow! You will be great! Tell us where and when and we will come and cheer you on! Feel the burn!