Thursday, April 3, 2008


So my friend Elizabeth informed me yesterday that it was time for me to update my blog. I told her that the reason that I hadn't updated it was because I didn't have anything interesting to post about, and she told me that I could blog about anything, just look at her blog on canned chicken. So, I can't guarantee that this post will be very exciting but, oh well.

Yesterday Elizabeth and I got together and took our kids to the dinosaur play area in the South Towne Mall in Sandy. For those of you that haven't been there before, it is a great place to take your kids and just let them run around and play. McKinzley ran so hard that her face was so red that it looked like she had a severe sunburn. So see, a good releaser of energy for the kids. The only problem that we ran into was a couple of little boys that were chasing and hitting our kids, all while the mother just stood by and watched. Now most of you know that this type of situation would not fly with Elizabeth or I, and this time was no different. Until we started to get on the boys to not hit our kids, the mother would not do anything. Very irritating! But besides that we had a great time. After we were done playing we went to the food court and got our kids ice cream cones, which I don't know if that was the smartest idea, but they loved it.

After all of the excitement during the day I had asked Elizabeth to come down and help me teach a first aid class for my ward's enrichment night. Now for those of you that don't know, I am terrified to speak in front of people, so needless to say I was about to puke before we were to start. Fortunately everything went really well (even though nobody would comment) and we made it through without any puking (Thanks Elizabeth!!). The only downside to the evening was when we were cleaning up to go home, I was carrying a table out of the gym into the relief society room, and in the process I ran into the door with the table and it slammed the corner of the table into my mouth. Extremely embarrassing! Not only that, but then the women that were still there started to pull out their first aid packets and look through them to see what to do. Such a happy ending. Don't worry though, I am fine. And thanks to Elizabeth again for coming and helping even though she thought that her car was going to die.

Hopefully I didn't bore you too much, and if I did, then I am sorry. There you go Elizabeth, its updated.


Elizabeth said...

I enjoyed this blog. I think anything to read about a persons day is interesting! So thank you!
Also, you are welcome, I had lots more fun than I anticipated!! LOL You did a great job.

Unknown said...

True, Elizabeth. I agree! I enjoy just hearing the randomness of peoples' lives!

Jean said...

You did a great job and I can't believe you were so nervous! And I DID comment!