Friday, December 23, 2011

Echo's of Christmas

David and Paige invited us to go to Echo's of Christmas this year. I had never heard of it before, but they do it every year at Liberty Park, and it is a live walk-through story of the birth of Jesus.
You walk from one section to another, and they tell a portion of the story, but they don't just tell it, they sing! And, they have really good voices!
As we walked through, it started to snow, but Grandpa was prepared with had warmers to go around. And, the snow was wonderful because it gave the atmosphere such a peaceful feeling. The girls had so much fun, and I really liked taking a break from all of the commercialized Christmas stuff, and putting the focus on what Christmas is really about.
It worked fabulously, and I think that we are going to try and make it up there every year. To top the night off, David and Paige brought hot cocoa (with marshmallows, Yum!) and cookies. Warmed us up, and brought a smile to little ones faces! Thanks you guys!

Sorry, the pictures aren't the best. I guess that is what you get when you take them with your phone :)


Corinne - Copyright 2013 PontiusFamilyUpdates All Rights Reserved said...

So cool! I haven't heard of that either - that sounds perfect! I'll have to try to get my family up there next year. So glad you guys had fun!

Biker5 said...

Cute pics. Way to stay updated!Congrats for all your hard work. Btw I love your new family pic, it's kinda hilarious that Tay is taller! :)

Corinne Hoyt said...

I wish we could have gone! I'm so glad it was fun. Maybe we can try to make it next year! :)