Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shopping for the perfect dress

Taylin is getting baptized!!  The date is quickly approaching, and it was time for us to start hunting for a special dress for her special day.  I started a tradition with McKinzley where I take my girls before they are getting baptized and we spend a day together shopping for a special dress, going to lunch, and giggling :)
I am SO mad at myself because I forgot my camera this time!  But, it didn't change the fact that Taylin and I had a great time!
We started out at the dress store, and she went around picking out all of the dresses she wanted to try on (10 dresses!!).  Then we headed to the dressing room to start the process.  I was amazed at how she critiqued each one.  There were certain details she didn't like about some.  One didn't fit her the right way, or the front "poofed out too much".  Nevertheless, she narrowed it down to 2 dresses.  One was a satin dress that had a bow in the middle and a little jacket to go with it.  The other one looked like miniature wedding dress!!  She tried both of them back on, and (thankfully) decided on the satin one.  She looks GORGEOUS in it!  I can't wait for her to be able to wear it.  She picked out the perfect shoes to go with it, and of course they have a little bit of a heel on them :)
After dress shopping, we went to lunch at our favorite little Italian restaurant, Francescos.  They have the best garlic cheese sticks...hands down.  This part of the day is my favorite.  Just the one on one time that I have with my daughter to talk and giggle with.  She told me all about school, and her friends.  All of the things that are important to an almost 8-year old.  And then she said to me, "Mom, I can't wait to be baptized!  I can't wait to feel the Holy Ghost!"  That made my heart happy!  Then she said "Can we have pizza after my baptism?"  Lol.  That is true Taylin form :)  I love her so much, and i'm so proud of her!  She brings me such joy!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

crazy! You are getting OLD sister! Now 2 accountable children. ;)