Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What we've been up to....

It has been awhile since I have posted anything on my blog, but to put it mildly, I am BUSY!! I started the nursing program towards the end of January and it is extremely time consuming, but I am loving every minute of it! Ok, well, not every minute. I really hate carrying this load of books around every day...
And, when I get home, this is what my bed looks like while I am trying to do my homework and study...
But besides feeling like I have a broken back all of the time, I am enjoying school so much! I am finally taking classes that I am interested in. None of those silly prerequisites :) Our cohort is so much fun, and I have made so many fun, new friends.

I was worried that when I went back to school that I would be stressed over the daily things that I used to do at home. Like, thinking "Oh, I have so much laundry to do when I get home", or "I've got to get the rooms cleaned and the bathroom clean". But, I was worrying for NO reason. Can I tell you how wonderful Chad is?? Every day that I get home the laundry has not only been washed and dried, but folded and put nicely away!! The dishes are always done, floors are vacuumed, toys are picked up.....I could go on and on. He has been so WONDERFUL!! The girls have LOVED having their dad home. He has taken them to Cabela's to look at the animals (yes, I know they are dead, but they still love it), to the park, and the zoo a couple of times...

and he lets them wear whatever they want.... Could life be any better??
Things couldn't be working out more perfectly :) Yes, it is stressful with the amount of time that school requires, but I have loved the times that Chad and I have set aside to spend time with each other. One of my favorites, is just sitting down together after we have put the girls to bed and chatting about our days, maybe watching one of our favorite shows and sometimes gorging ourselves on Hostess cupcakes :) (Have you tried the new strawberry ones??? They are to die for!) I love that man!

I start my clinicals in the hospitals this next week, and I am really going to miss our time in the lab. We always had a blast! Here are a couple of pictures from lab...

"Wound Day"
NG Tubes
LOVE my lab group!!!!
Hopefully I will be able to keep my blog updated a little more often :) But, the Hoyt's are doing great!!


Paige said...

You are CRAZY busy! But it sounds challenging AND fun! I'm sad I missed our lunch last week. I have lots to tell you... let's get together soon!

PS- I love the freedom of "dress standards" at your house... CHAD IS AWESOME! lol! We snagged some good men right?!

Elizabeth said...

You are AMAZING!!!

Unknown said...

I definitely laughed out loud reading this! Only because I just saw you & heard your stories for real! So who's the stupid girl I want to slap in this picture? Do share!

Corinne Hoyt said...

That is so funny that Chad lets them wear whatever they want. When Ryan gets our kids dressed, nothing ever matches and Piper usually ends up wearing Aaron's clothes and Aaron is in Abby's pants. But he flips out if they wanna wear dress-ups or anything and I love letting them wear stuff like that. :)
You look so cute in scrubs!! congrats on progressing thru school!!

Jenn said...

What fun! Looks like Brittney is in your lab too! Ahh how I miss you guys in my class.

Biker5 said...

Aaahh! Seeing these makes me wish you lived down the street from me....wait you do! I know you've been Super duper busy, I'm proud of you both!!! Love your wound pic!