For the past week I have been dealing with puke, puke, oh ya, and MORE puke! My family caught a nasty little stomach bug that took a couple of them out for an entire week, including Chad. It was HORRIBLE!!! By the end of the week I was in desperate need of some time to relax. And what could be better than getting a new hair-do and going to lunch with a great friend??
I started out bright and early to go and get my hair done. Ever since Chad and I have been married he has wanted me to have dark hair with bright red streaks. I have put it off over and over again mostly because I wasn't sure if I would be able to "pull off" a hair-do like that. But, I figure that I needed a little pick-me-up and I decided to get it done after all. I am SO glad that I did! The pictures below do NOT show this hair-do justice! Plus, I took the picture after I had been outside when it was really windy, ya, I don't know what I was thinking :) Anyways, I lOVE it, and Chad loves it too. I had Kristy (my amazing hair dresser) give me a different cut as well. I just told her to do what she thought would look good, and I am glad that I left it up to her! I feel so spunky! :) Thanks Kristy!!
First picture is a little windblown in the back, and in real life the highlights are WAY brighter red.....they look a little orangy in this picture

Side view of my new cut

To continue my relaxing day, I met my great friend Paige for lunch. It was so fun to chat, laugh, and catch up on life with each other over some delicious Chili's food! So nice to be able to take a break from the "grind" of life and just enjoy a good friends company. AND, it is extremely therapeutic!! Thanks Paige! I had a blast!!
I came home to one of the most wonderful things......a clean house!! Chad and the girls cleaned the house while I was gone so that I would be surprised when I got home. I love you guys!!
And to top the day off I get to snuggle up with Chad and watch a movie while we snack on some treats. So happy to have everyone healthy and happy again!!