Thursday, December 11, 2008


Seven years ago today, Chad proposed to me.  It was late at night and we had just gotten back from doing a little Christmas shopping.  We had just gotten to my friends Katey's house, where my car was, to get in and head to my house when Chad asked if I wanted to go for a walk.  This surprised me because one, Chad hates going for walks, and two, it was snowing and FREEZING cold!  These two things made me a little suspicious, but I love to go on walks and I figured that if he was offering I wouldn't pass it up.  We walked FOREVER just chit chatting and enjoying each others company when Chad stopped and asked where a certain park was.  The park that he was talking about was clear back by my friend Katey's house at least a half a mile away now.  I told him this, and he decided that we should head back that way anyways since it was getting late and a lot colder.  So, we finally got back to the street that my friend lived on and I started to turn to get my car, but Chad asked if we could keep walking.  Now I was extremely suspicious.  I went with him and we started walking through the middle of the park that he had asked about before.  When we were about half way through he sort of slowed down and was looking out over the grass like he wanted me to see something.  I didn't see anything at first (it had snowed a lot and put a thin layer over what he wanted me to see), but then he said "look" and pointed at the ground.  On the ground were huge letters 4' by 2' that were 2by4's nailed together to say "MARRY ME".  When I turned back to him he was on one knee and he asked me if I would spend the rest of my life with him.  Of course I said "yes"!  And here we are, 7 years later with 5 beautiful little girls and a love so deep for each other, I would have never thought a love like this existed.  I can't imagine my life without Chad (I know, I'm getting corny now:) ).  I love you Chad!    


Corinne Hoyt said...

That is so cute! I never knew that story. See...Chad does have a cute side! :)

Stacy Stoddard said...

that is awesome. at least he used 2x 4's instead of white paint, that might have been a serious problem.
congrats on 7 years and 5 girls.

Jean said...

Aw! Make me tear up why don't ya'!