Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Summer semester is finally over!!!! I thought I was being Soooooo smart taking 5 classes over the summer so that I could just get everything out of the way as fast as possible. What I realized about half-way through the semester is that someone should have slapped me upside the head and told me not to do it. It was extremely stressful juggling 5 classes, 5 kids, and a husband working out of town most of the summer. I am SO thankful to my mom who helped out a TON!! She is the absolute best!! And, now that the semester is over, I really am happy that I just buckled down and got these classes out of the way. I now have my Associates Degree!! Here are a few stats of the semester:

5 classes
9 weeks
9 papers
2 group projects
27 tests
45 discussion posts
4 dance performances
1 REALLY mean teacher
1 loopy teacher
3 non-exisistent teachers

But the redeeming quality of it all????

Straight A's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Great job, Nicole! You are so determined and I LOVE that about you. Your tenacity amazes me. :)

Corinne Hoyt said...

Wow, I just had to catch up on the last 5 or so posts! Sheesh, I need to check blogs more often! Congrats on everything that is going on! No more diapers (I envy you!), no more school, running a triathalon! You are a strong amazing woman! Way to go! :)

Paige said...

Wahoooooo! You should spend this week.... sleeping! :)

Lisa & Aukuso said...

WOW!...Seriously, WOW.