Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5 Tattoo's???

This quote pretty much sums it up...

"Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your kind of want to be fully committed."

I absolutely adore that quote. Yes it is from a movie...any guesses? And, NO, I am not making an announcement.

I have just been thinking lately how much time and effort goes into being the mother of 5 children. It is truely a constant. A 24 hour a day job (and maybe even then some!) I do love my little girls, they are truely joy in our home.

I am happy to have tatooed my face so beautifully 5 times. I LOVE MY GIRLS!


Tasha said...

Love that quote! and your girls:) We need to get together soon!

Paige said...

Stinkin' cute! Every single one of those tats! :)