Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Rotten Night

It is so fun for me to see how my older girls love, and adore Pemberlynn.  Unfortunately, along with this love came the passing of germs.  I tried to be really careful but Pemberlynn ended up catching a cold that the other girls had.  It didn't seem to bad until Sunday night.  We had been home from a family dinner for about an hour and Pemberlynn started to cough so badly that she wasn't able to breath.  She started to go blue around her mouth and her eyes were watering really bad.  Needless to say, it scared the HOLY CRAP out of me!  So I took her to the pediatric after hours to be looked at.  After the doctor had looked at her, he told me that I needed to take her over to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center to be monitored over night.  Talk about anxiety!  So, I took her over there and they started taking all of her vitals, which in babies they take their blood pressure on both of there arms and both of their legs (she did not like that at all).  After they did their initial assessment, they set us up in a room to wait for some tests to be done.  Once we got to our room a respiratory therapist came in and stuck a tube up Pemberlynn's nose and down her throat and sucked a whole bunch of junk out.  It was really hard and sad to watch them hold her down while she cried and gagged :(  They took the junk to send off to be tested for all kinds of things.  After that they hooked her up to some different wires that monitored her oxygen levels and other things.  Then they did a chest x-ray to see if her lungs had fluid in them.  Finally they were done for awhile.  By this time it is about 1:00am, and Pemberlynn would not go to sleep if I laid her down in the crib, and since she was attached to a bunch of wires I had to sit in the chair next to the crib and hold her the entire night.  I didn't sleep at all.  But I am ok with this because all of her tests came back good and she is recovering well.  It was such a scary thing because they are so little, and things can happen so fast.  I 'm just glad that we have her and that she is healthy!  Here are a few pictures that I took while I was there. (they had the cutest little gowns for babies).


Elizabeth said...

Oh gosh! I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm glad that she is okay and getting better. 'Aisea had to be in the hospital for a week when he was three weeks was horrible to have to watch all the stupid tests they put him though! I did however steal the little gown they put him in. I, too, thought it was so stinkin' cute. It was my consolation prize for having to deal with all the tests!!! :)

Merm said...

Oh poor little thing! I would have been freaking out. That is so rough. I am so glad to hear she is doing okay!! She sure is a cute little squirt ;) That makes me sad to see those tubes on her. I hope Chad was able to watch all the girls when you got back and give you some rest!!

We need to play games! We haven't in FOREVER!

Corinne - Copyright 2013 PontiusFamilyUpdates All Rights Reserved said...

So scary!! It's hard to sleep in the hospital when your baby is sick-been there- so you have my sympathy! You must have been so tired!

Stacy Stoddard said...

scarey. i am so glad everything is okay and she is getting better. i hate having sick babies cause they are so helpless and in turn it makes you feel helpless cause you don't what to do for them.