Friday, October 14, 2011


Lets just say that I really despise them.

Today I got a call from my girls elementary school, but since I was in class at the time I wasn't able to answer the call. When I had a break I called the school back (they left no message) and the secretary, after finding out who I was, told me that Taylin had been threatened by someone. This is how the conversation went:

Me: "What happened?? Who threatened her??"

Secretary: "The student is with the principle right now"

Me: "What did the kid say to Taylin?"

Secretary: "Ummm....the student is with the principle right now"

Me: "Can you at least tell me if it was someone that was older than her, or someone in her same class?"

Secretary: "It was a student in her class"

Me: "Is there any way that I am going to be able to get any information from you?"

Secretary: "Well, ummmm, well, the student told your daughter that he was going to light her on fire."

Me: "WHAT???!!!! Is she okay???"

Secretary: "We contacted your husband, so if you need more information then you should talk to him."

Me: I hung up the phone.

Seriously? Why in the world would they not tell a mother what was happening to her child?? I was really, really upset. I called Chad and got the rest of the story. I found out from Taylin when she got home from school that the boy had been suspended for 3 days. But really? My daughter had to tell me? There was no call from the school telling us how things had been resolved. It is amazing how quickly my "momma bear" instincts kicked in as soon as I called the school. And my biggest worry now is, how is Taylin going to feel when this kid is back at school? Is she going to be scared? Will this kid be mad that he got in trouble and take it out on Taylin again? I despise bullies!! And really? "I'm going to light you on fire" ??? Where did this kid come up with that? I wish that I could talk to his parents. All of this just makes me scared for what kind of world my girls are growing up in. My girls are still young, but they are being exposed to some of the uglier things in this world. I hope that this will stop here, because if something happens again, I'm pretty sure that they won't like how involved I will be.


Unknown said...

I had a "Momma Bear" experience this week too. It's ok, we're Mom's. That's what we do.

I hope that you feel like you can talk to the teacher and maybe ask for the parents names to have a conversation with them. ?! I'm sorry you have to deal with such an ugly situation.

Paige said...

I think those are really valid questions! What if this isn't over? I say Momma Bear gets ALL in the middle of this one! Kiss that sweet Taylin for us!

Lisa & Aukuso said...

Put Taylin in boxing classes! She could probably take the kid out now anyway.

You definitely have the right to talk to the teacher, ask them to keep an eye on the situation (they are probably the one who sent him to the office), and if there continues to be problems, there might be a parent(s)/teacher meeting in the makes. IF the kids parents are, get a restraining order?

Maybe those threats are his way of telling Taylin how beautiful and awesome she is!

Good Luck Momma Bear...hibernation season is coming up and that brat better let you rest!