Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Brexlyn!!!

My sweet Brexlyn turned 4!!!

We have so many birthdays that we celebrate during the summer, but each one is as fun as the last!
I know, its corny, and I say it all of the time, BUT, I REALLY can't believe how fast my girls are growing up!
Brexlyn's birthday fell on a Sunday this year, so we celebrated with presents and cake on her birthday, and then a couple of days later we took her to the "Kid's Pool" in Provo to swim. (We sure love that place!) Although, I don't have any pictures of us at the pool because it is against the rules to take pictures inside the pool area. Just know that we had a blast anyways :)
We had the missionaries over for dinner on Brexlyn's birthday which she absolutely loved......more people celebrating with her :) She had a TinkerBell birthday cake, and most of her presents had to do with TinkerBell as well. She wore them around the entire day.


Here are a few things about Brexlyn...

1. Her favorite color is green.
2. She loves stretchy pants and tu-tu's
3. She can be stubborn :)
4. She has a fabulous imagination!
5. She has taken Pemberlynn under her wing, and hovers over her like a little mother hen.
6. She loves chapstick (it doesn't last long in her hands though because she tends to take little nibbles of it when she is putting it on her lips)
7. She loves to snuggle.
8. She sings to herself quite often.
9. She loves to color.
10. Her favorite animal is a giraffe.
11. She is tender-hearted.

I'm so excited to watch her grow and change over the next year!! Happy Birthday Brexlyn!!!


Paige said...

We love you Brexlyn! Happy Birthday!!

Unknown said...

Too, too cute! What an old mother you are. ;)