Tuesday, December 21, 2010

$5?? Sure, why not....

At Chad's company party the other night I learned some interesting things about my husband, one of which is that Chad will do almost anything to make people laugh, vomit, or fork over a couple of dollars. I heard a story about Chad drinking a cup of water that had been sitting in the foundation of the building they were building for at LEAST a week all for $5!! Ummmmm....GROSS!!! Of course all of his work buddies thought this was hilarious, including Chad. Fast forward to the work party. Every year they do a white elephant exchange, and this year Chad received some word-search books, pencils, and this REALLY disgusting, homemade (in October) gummy brain thing that was swimming in a pink liquid. Just looking at it made me gag a little. Why did MY husband, out of everyone there, have to pick this present??? I'm sure you can guess what happened next. Someone threw out a number "Chad, I will give you $5 if you eat that whole thing", "Chad, I will pay you $20 if you eat that whole thing", "WAIT! Don't start yet, I have to grab the camera!". I started cringing, and hoping that for just this once he would say no. But, he just couldn't pass it up. I think he thought it was going to be a lot easier than it was. When he took his first bite his teeth got STUCK! I couldn't help it, I started to laugh! I was completely grossed out. It was one of those horrible things that you want to look away from but you just can't help but stare. The funny part was how it kind of backfired on him. It was so tough that he actually ended up having to cut it into pieces with a steak knife! It took him 5 minutes to eat each piece! All in the name of a few dollars and ALOT of laughs! I think he was the highlight of the party :) I love that guy! I might never kiss him again, but I sure love him! :)

Getting ready to take the first bite

Playing to the crowd
Teeth stuck, and laughing really hard
Licking the goop off of his fingers
Starting to second guess his decision
Maybe feeling a bit queasy
He did finish the whole thing, and earned every penny of that $25 :)


Tasha said...

It's a good thing you already have all your children! LOL:) Nasty! But I am wondering what it smelled like... Gross, I know!

Paige said...

I love the picture story line!!Seriously I could NOT do it! Strangly, I think Dave will be so proud! LOL!

Unknown said...

He is so disgusting, and I'm afraid that's why we love him! ;) What a riot! See, this is why you only had girls...A little boy would be WORSE that him...