Me: "Sally? Did you just go potty?
Sally: "Ya"
Me: "Did you wash your hands?"
Sally: "Oops, I forgot, *giggle, giggle*"
Me: "Gross Sally, go and wash your hands!"
Sally: "Ok"
So, Sally goes and washes her hands, but she is out there puttering around for quite a while. When she comes back, she still smells bad. At this point, the smell must be bad enough because it woke up Chad. So, he decides to go and investigate the smell. It is quiet for about 5 seconds and then I hear "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I am thinking, maybe she just got some poop on the toilet seat or something. So, I go to help with the investigation. WARNING: This next part is gross....
We go into the girls room, and for those of you that don't know, all 5 of our girls sleep in the same room. Needless to say, there is a VERY small pathway that goes between the beds. But between 2 of the beds there is no space, they are right next to each other. Unfortunately, our "pooper" was in the bed closest to the wall.
Back to the gross part......Sally had diarrea all over her bed, then she got up and climbed over her sisters bed, spreading the surprise, then she stopped in front of her dresser, took her poop covered panties off and left them on the floor, then she grabbed the two closest blankets and tried to wipe herself off, then put them on the floor. Then she opened her dresser to get new panties, but at this point she has poop on her hands, so now there is poop on the dresser. She then walks out into the front room (all the way making a poop trail) and decides to SIT on the couch to put her panties on! So, now there is poop all over the couch. And I am not kidding you, there was SOOOO much poop. After she gets her panties on she goes into the bathroom and takes off her pajamas (covered in poop) and puts them on the floor. Then she comes and climbs in bed with us getting poop on all of our blankets, on the wall, and on my pillow. Needless to say, I could literally say that there was poop EVERYWHERE! Its one of those situations where you see all of this mess everywhere, and your kid is standing there covered in this mess too (Sally had it smeared all over her), and you have no idea where to start.
While I bathed Sally, Chad got all of the poopy clothes together and put them in the laundry room. After I had bathed Sally, I had the wonderful job of following her every footstep cleaning, disinfecting, and carpet cleaning everything. Not to mention wiping down the dressers, doors, bed posts and everything else that had been tainted by this poo expedition that she had. It took me 2 and a half hours to clean it all up! I think that it was one of the most disgusting things that I have had to do as a mom. It definitely is in the top 5.
After finally finishing cleaning up and getting back to bed, I had to wake up about 3 hours later. Only to discover that in the dark I had missed some poop spots, so I was once again cleaning up poop. Then to top off that day I had to change 8 poopy diapers! I only have 2 kids in diapers, and they pooped that much! I am so sick of poop that it is not even funny, AND I think that the smell is permanently in my nose!!!
I love all of my girls to death! And I really felt bad for Sally because she felt SO bad. I just hope that if this ever happens again (crossing fingers that it won't), that she will yell for us to come and help her instead of trying to be so independent.